Årgangsguide, Sydafrika

The number of wine regions, their geographic distance and climatological diversity defy generalisation, but the overall characteristics of recent vintages may be summarised as follows


This is a fantastic Year because the temperature during the harvest was fantastic for the grapes, about 5 degrees lower as usual.
Elegant wines with greater maturation potential due to a cooler season.
Reds high in alcohol, will develop more and more in time and could potential for investment.
Fruity and fantastic whites with caracter and delightful taste.


This is a fantastic Year because the temperature during the harvest was fantastic for the grapes, about 5 degrees lower as usual.
Elegant wines with greater maturation potential due to a cooler season.
Reds high in alcohol, will develop in time.
Fruity and fantastic whites with caracter and delightful taste


Large crop, warm summer.
Excellent ripening conditions.
Reds high in alcohol, will develop in the coming years.
Fruity whites.


This is a fantastic Year because the temperature during the harvest was fantastic for the grapes, about 5-10 degress lower as usual.
Elegant wines with greater maturation potential due to a cooler season.
Lower alcohol and soft tannins characterise this vintage.


Quality high over the spectrum.
In general the wines where intense character and exceptional flavour concentration.
Top quality Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc.
Full-bodied Shiraz and Merlot with excellent maturation potential.
Pinotage and Cabernet Sauvignon and the new types og grapes boast lovely colours and flavours.


Quality in general top high over the spectrum.
In general the wines where intense character and exceptional flavour concentration.
elegant Sauvignon Blanc and well-structured Chardonnay
Full-bodied Shiraz, Pinotage and Merlot with excellent maturation potential.
Black grapes had smaller berries with superb skin to fruit ratios.
Magnificent colour, flavour concentration and overall structure.


Probably one of the most memorable vintages ever.
Both white and red impress with intensely concentrated flavours.
Thanks to extremely healthy grapes, a cool growing season and lower yields, truly excellent wines were made from all the noble cultivars, including Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot.


Elegant wines with a lower alcohol content due to cooler weather conditions.
Slower ripening favoured phenolic ripeness, with excellent quality implications for red wines.
Lovely colour and flavours from early ripening vines.


As good as, or better than 2006.
Quality all round, with elegant Sauvignon Blanc and well-structured Chardonnay the stars amongst the white wines.
Climatic conditions and cooler February temperatures favoured physiological ripeness.
Black grapes had smaller berries with superb skin to fruit ratios.
Magnificent colour, flavour concentration and overall structure.


Quality across the spectrum.
In general the wines where intense character and exceptional flavour concentration.
Top quality Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc.
Full-bodied Shiraz with excellent maturation potential.
Pinotage and Cabernet Sauvignon boast lovely colours and flavours.


A difficult vintage with a very dry winter, excessive rainfall during the crush and a scorching heat wave towards the middle of February.
Smaller crops meant concentrated flavours and lovely colours.
Magnificent red wines, but careful selection is mandatory.


The harvest seemed to drag on forever, but it was well worth the wait.
Elegant wines with greater maturation potential due to a cooler season.
Lower alcohol and soft tannins characterise this vintage.


An excellent vintage, one of the very best in recent years.
White as well as red wines impress with full-bodied structure and complexity.


Pay attention to individual cellars, rather than general trends.
Downy mildew caused widespread havoc.
Good Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Shiraz, Merlot, Pinotage and new clone Cabernet Sauvignon wines.


The summer was very hot and dry with few diseases.
Wines were high in alcohol, with very concentrated flavours.


The crop was small.
Some excellent red wines that will keep well.
Big, alcoholic white wines.