
Tamboerskloof, LIm. Release Shiraz, 2013

159,00 DKK ex. moms

198,75 DKK inkl. moms
Ved 12 stk / 150,00 DKK ex. moms Ved 12 stk / 187,50 DKK inkl. moms

  Tamboerskloof Shiraz Magnum, 2013

Vinen er fantastisk og i stil meget med fokus på Rhône stilen.
Produktion kun 9.000 flasker.
Vinen er blandet med 93% Shiraz og 5% Mourvèdre og 2% Viognier druer
Årgangen 2011 blev blevet frigivet i 2014 og producenten har et stort ønske om, at når vinen frigives er den klar til at nydes af kunder, og dette er tilfældet med denne vin.
Hvis du er tilhænger af en fransk Rhône vin, så er denne bare endnu bedre

150 på lager

Varenummer (SKU): KL-13-240 Varekategorier: , ,


Handcrafted in every sense, the gentle, minimal intervention cellar practices and carefully selected natural packaging materials, developed by Libby de Villiers, echo the craftsmanship and attention to detail synonymous with the philosophy of Kleinood.
The wine profits from a drop of Viognier and in this vintage we have added 5% Mourvèdre and 2% co-fermented Viognier.
The casks used are 300 and 500 litres with 15% new oak for 20 months. Only best quality French oak barrels are used at Kleinood. It is part of the Kleinood philosophy to allow the wine to age in bottle for a further two years prior to being released to the market.

Ruby red in colour with a predominantly red fruit on the nose. A distinctly different vintage from the previous three vintages, the wine is rich but has more subtle palate flavours. It is a poised, elegant vintage that is distinguished by Tay Berry and Bramble berry aromas, delicate spice and some fresh meaty nuances. A sweet-fruited flavour and balanced fine tannins lead to a smooth delicious finish. Decant 30 minutes prior to serving.



The wine profits from a drop of Viognier and in this vintage we have added 5% Mourvèdre and 2% co-fermented Viognier. The casks used are 300 and 500 litres with 17% new oak for 20 months.
Only best quality French oak barrels are used at Kleinood. It is part of the Kleinood philosophy to allow the wine to age in bottle for a further two years prior to being released to the market.

Hand-picked grapes, sorted 3 times before going into stainless steel fermenters where a combination of modern technology and old-style winemaking techniques takes care of designing our unique hand crafted wine. Fermented at 26 ˚C for 12 days.

20 months in 500 litre French oak barrels 17% first, 20% second, 33% third, 30% fourth and older


Land: Sydafrika
Vinområde: Stellenbosch
Producent: Kleinood/Tamboerskloof
Vintype: Rødvin - enkeltdrue - Kraftig og blød
Labelnavn: Syrah Limited
Årgang: 2013
Druebase: 100% Shiraz
Gæring: Malolaktisk gæring
Holdbarhed: Drikkes nu og til 2025+
  • Anis
  • Æbler
  • Ananas
  • Blåbær
  • Cedertræ
  • Fersken
  • Frisk tobak
  • Honningmelon
  • Karamel
  • Læder
  • Melon
  • Pære
  • Rosiner
  • Solbær
  • Sorte oliven
  • Stenfrugter
  • Tørrede frugter
  • Vanille
  • Vildt
  • Beuf Stroganoff
  • Bløde oste
  • Gullasch
  • Hjerter i flødesauce
  • Kassler schnitzel
  • Nyrer
  • Sammenkogte oksekødsretter
  • Stegt kalvekød
  • Stegt okseskød
  • Vildand
Antal pr. colli: 4 flasker
Bedømmelse af årgangen: vinglasvinglasvinglasvinglasvinglas
Alkohol: 14,5%
Syre: 5,7 gr. pr. liter
Restsukker: 2,3 gr. pr. liter
Alle priser er angivet ekskl. dansk moms

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Kokken foreslår

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Antal pr. colli


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Alkohol %




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